Saturday, June 19, 2010

18 Things To Know About Me

1. I love Mexican food..... A lot and want to eat it everyday but it gives me gas.

2. I know way too much about TV, Characters, Celebrities, etc. If I focused more on academics I would have been smarter than my brother.

3. My two biggest fears are snakes and sitting at a red light.

4. I don't like to sleep in clothes because it restricts my movement in bed.

5. I HATE, HATE, HATE to be touched. I must do the initiating or I have to trust you.

6. I will never complain about my food being wrong at a restaurant.

7. If things do not go the way I planned it throws my whole day off. (Like wearing different shoes than the ones I was planning to wear to work.)

8. I need time to mentally prepare myself before I go out somewhere. (Xanex also helps.)

9. I am am incredibly picky eater. I don't eat cold cuts, meat is suppose to be warm. Things that are creamy and white gross me out.

10. I read fan-fiction and write it too.

11. I miss Marching Band........ way more than I should.

12. I quietly hold grudges.

13. I never cry, EVER.

14. When I feel stressed my eye ball twitches.

15. I don't like to get in the car unless I am driving.

16. I feel that my job is beneath me and often feel that people doubt my intelligence because I am doing that kind of work, even though I have the exact same degree they hold.

17. I have seen EVERY Law and Order episode from all three series at least twice in my lifetime. (Yes, all 20 seasons of the original, still my favorite.)
Jill Hennessy and I
18. I am amazing cook and some how I can throw anything in a pot and make it delicious. I wanted to be a chef but my mom said no.

Stating the Obvious

I found this on my LJ. I wrote it Dec. of 2004 and it made me giggle.

Stating The Obvious

"Hey cool I just put my hair in dreads!!!! I am going to have to wash this shit out of my hair before it becomes a permanent knot! It was funny for the minute. Anyway, home alone for the 3rd night in a row. Let me state some things just to know in life.

#1 liquor in the ghetto is really cheap because the poor needs to get their drink on.

#2 walking outside in your really cool camouflage thermals in the night is a hit an run waiting to happen.

And #3 lets face it a pound of Hungry Man is well, 3/4 of a pound too much.

So what have we learned today. If you are going to buy cheap liquor in the ghetto, wear bright colored clothing, and the regular Swanson's TV dinner is enough."

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Incredibly True Adventures of SIRSY and Me in NYC

    When I was younger I had aspirations of being a lot of things. At one point in my life I was convinced I was going to be a rock star. I played drums and sang in a band in high school but we weren’t going to hit it big playing covers. I have conceded to the fact that I will never be a celebrity or a famous rock star (even though I still dress and think like I am one.) Now, I live vicariously through one of the most preeminent and innovative bands I have ever heard.
    About three years ago Hayley’s best friend told us to go over to the Stone Pony to check out this incredible band. We went and they were like nothing I had ever seen. I was immediately smitten with SIRSY and have been hooked ever since. Since that show we have gotten the distinct pleasure of getting to know the members of SIRSY on a more personal level. I must admit that by just being in their presence I feel like that rock star that I had longed to be 12 years ago.
    Melanie and Rich are two of the most remarkable people I have ever met in my life. They are the type of people that make you feel good and special just to be around them. I often find myself grinning like an idiot in their company. Unfortunately, they are based out of Albany and with having three jobs it’s hard to find time to head up there and see them.  Every once in a while they grace New York City with their charisma and each and every time we some how witness the most bizarre things that can truly only happen in NYC.
    We have witnessed a variety of ridiculousness from staggering drunks coming out of the various clubs near The Bitter End to random bums and crazy people asking for money or sharing news about the rapidly approaching apocalypse and how we can help stop it if we buy their newspaper/t-shirt/random crap or how about a drunk man laying on the street right behind the back wheels of the SIRSY van.
    Recently we (Hayley and I) had the chance to spend two consecutive days with the infamous Velvet Lizzy Waters and Baron Karl Friederich Hieronymus von Munchhausen or Mel and Rich for short and good old faithful NYC did not disappoint us with its full-fledged madness.
    Wednesday they played at the Lakeside Lounge in the Lower East Side where it is almost impossible to find parking. I let Hayl park for me, I’m from NJ we don’t parallel park but I digress.  It was a small place but SIRSY rocked the poop out of it. While hanging out after the set I got approached by a girl who asked me what TV show I was on.  She thought I was on Law and Order SVU, huge compliment. On her way out she asked if she could use the fire door as an exit. There was a sign clearly marked “Do Not Open, Fire Alarm Will Sound,” any idiot could guess that if they used the door the alarm will go off apparently she was …. wait what is worse than an idiot? Anyway, the alarm went off and we all played dumb. Then the clubs only worker had to make his way over and use a key to turn off the alarm he look less than thrilled to even be working there. His demeanor looked like he was Sisyphus pushing that rock up the hill. He was just depressing.
    After everything was packed up in the van we all dicided to head over to Mamouns’ a tradition after most NYC SIRSY shows. Hayl and I jumped in my car and tried to find it on our GPS but we couldn't get a signal-fail #1, then she tried to find it using my phone GPS-fail #2. At this point I am in a full blown panic attack because the band left like 10 minutes ago and we still haven’t even left our parking spot and I don't like to keep people waiting.  Hayley tries to get directions off her CrappyBerry and her phone freezes-fail #3. We finally got the GPS to work and tried to rush over there. En route we come across a guy standing outside a cab. I assumed that he was just paying him until I heard yelling. We maneuvered around them and see that two cabbies had gotten into a fender bender and were cursing each other out to which the one cabby told the other cabby in a very thick Indian accent to, “learn some F***ing English already.” This made us giggle. We get to Mamouns and got to spend some quality time with Mel and Rich. At this point it was like 1am and we needed to head home.
    Day 2 of our awesome SIRSY experience was pretty priceless. After their set at the Bitter End we tried to load out the equipment but had to struggle between the mass of bodies and another bands equipment which seemed sort of excessive if you ask me. We all carried out gear and Hayley stood guard making sure no one ran off with their stuff. On my final trip out to the van I noticed Hayl with her entire body draped over one of Mel’s cymbals. She explained that this jerk was trying to tap it with his set of keys. Me being a drummer knew that tapping a $400 cymbal with a key was a bad idea. Rich came out and I told the guy that he would break his hands but he could care less. After he realized we weren’t going to let him touch that cymbal he turned his attention to the high-hat. Rich told him that if Melanie saw him that she would go medieval on his toches (that’s Yiddish for tushie). That apparently pissed the dude off and he went on a tirade about how he has been in this area for 8 years and never broke someone’s stuff and that we didn’t trust him. He was a nutcase to say the least.
    Next, we were all hanging around outside when we turn and hear a ruckus, my girl of course ran to see what it was because she is naturally curious and loves to make me feel uncomfortable. People were snapping photos left and right. I thought that maybe it was a celebrity or something until I saw this giant gorilla sized a**hole threw this girl to the ground, then a bunch of men running while two bouncers from one of the bars tackled the guy and tried to hold him down. We still don’t know what truly happened but the entire situation was out of control.
    We were all about to go our separate ways when this guy walks up to our group and puts his hand out clearly begging for money. He told us, “I’m not asking for money,” huh, then why is your hand out sir? I turned my back to him in an attempt to not pay attention to the events that were unfolding.
        Mel: We are musicians and just played a free show. We don’t have any money.
        Bum: You didn’t get any tips?
        Mel: No we don’t play for tips.
        Me: (still completely uncomfortable and ready to bolt from this conversation)
        Rich: Hey look, It’s Elvis!
        Hayley: Please leave us alone we aren’t giving you any money.
    The next thing we know this douche bag got into Hayley's face and started spewing some random crazy shit about needing another 9-11 among other crazy garbage that didn’t make any sense and was mad that we brought up the king. Surprisingly Hayley seemed unfazed by this but was upset that she didn’t get the chance to knock the guy out.
    We ended the night, said our good byes, I shed a small tear because I have no idea when I will see them next and we went our separate ways. Nights like these seem insane but in the end it is all worth it when you get to share it with two of the most amazing talented and humble rock stars that one could ever meet.
I have to stop writing now because well, “I have fibromyalgia” and my fingers hurt and Rich told me to use that excuse when I don’t want to do something.